Where Lifelong Brotherhood begins!
Theta Xi Fraternity is a national leader in the leadership, educational, and social development of young men, with a lifelong brotherhood experience that extends beyond the undergraduate active chapter membership. Our members believe in shared fraternal values of:
Academic Excellence
Personal Responsibility and Accountability
Theta Xi Fraternity’s Strategic Plan and Vision: “Theta Xi develops an inclusive brotherhood committed to a lifelong journey of leadership and service”. In this respect, “To Lead To Serve” aligns with the Virginia Tech motto: Ut Prosim “That I May Serve”
The Beta Omega Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity at Virginia Tech was organized to provide it's members an opportunity to experience a smaller undergraduate atmosphere at an otherwise large school. Our fraternity offers valuable resources and skills to succeed at Virginia Tech, whether your passions be lifelong friendship and social bonds, leadership, philanthropic projects and involvement, or intramural athletics. Enhancing the college experience through brotherhood, our chapter has led ongoing social events throughout the year, hosting many socials with Virginia Tech sororities along with several brotherhood activities to bring everyone together. Our chapter has a long history of IFC leadership, and university philathropic event leadership and participation including Greeks Giving Back, The Big Event, MS Dance Marathon, and Theta Xi Suntan Classic during Greek Week. Brotherhood activities take place throughout the year including camping trips, trips to visit other Theta Xi chapters, the Foxfield Races in Charlottesville, Spring Formal event in Myrtle Beach and Pig Roast.
Supported by an active 500+ member alumni association, ongoing mentoring, networking and financial support make academic and leadership development scholarship funds available for the benefit and growth of the undergraduate brother.
Theta Xi Fraternity offers a comprehensive new member education program called Alpha Nine and countless educational programs for its members. Theta Xi is the only National Fraternity to receive two Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) “Excellence in Programming” awards; one for Values into Action (Values training) and then second for Benchmarks of Excellence (Chapter Operations training).
The leadership academies are comprised of TWO national events. The Vredenburgh Presidents Academy for newly elected chapter/colony president is the premiere officer training academy of the Fraternity. Second, the Rising Stars Academy is a personal leadership development experience for newly initiated brothers. Supported by Theta Xi Foundation, the academies are an incredible weekend filled with motivating leadership activities designed to support the development of All True Men.
The Vredenburgh Presidents Academy focuses on learning to apply a set of leadership competencies most needed by chapter presidents. These competencies include influencing followers to grasp a shared vision, motivating/empowering chapter members for engagement, and decision-making style/skills. The learning activities are designed to include significant time for Presidents to talk/work in small groups for common problem-solving, support, and the sharing of ideas.
The Rising Stars Academy is for first-year initiates and coincides with the Presidents Academy. The Rising Stars Academy, concentrates on providing attendees an opportunity to assess and develop their leadership styles and skills, in an interactive and experiential setting. Along with meeting new members from across the country, they gather ideas they can take back to strengthen their chapters in the areas of recruitment, membership education and overall operations. Team building skills are strengthened by accomplishing tasks presented on an exciting outdoor leadership challenge course.
Additionally, the Newell District Leadership Academies are regional leadership development training opportunities focused on equipping and training chapter/colony officers. This Academy is for undergraduate officers and those who aspire to be officers. NDLA offers four tracks which prepares chapter leaders to excel in their specific positions. The track offerings include a Management & Leadership Track for Chapter Presidents and Vice-Presidents, an Operations Track for Treasurers and Secretaries, an Education Track for Scholarship Chairmen and Membership Educators, and a Growth Track for Recruitment Chairmen.
Biennial Anniversary Conventions serve as the Supreme Authority for Theta Xi Fraternity and are held. Convention delegates vote on important matters proposed by the Grand Lodge, including legislative motions to change the National Constitution & Bylaws, election of the 2020-2022 Grand Lodge, will be conducted will include opportunities for delegates to participate in the governance of the Fraternity, attend educational workshops, and exchange ideas to better their chapter, colony, association, or club. Attendees will leave with a better appreciation for the governance of the Fraternity, educational materials to improve their chapter or association, and a sense of pride on Theta Xi.
More information about VT Greek Life can be found at www.vtifc.org.